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7 Hygiene Rules Every Grappler Should Follow

Roll Clean - Grapplers Soap

Hygiene for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Personal hygiene can sometimes be an overlooked aspect in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but basic hygiene is a core fundamental of BJJ, and should be treated as such. Not only is hygiene imperative for the health and safety of you and your training partners, but it is also a reflection of your respect for your training partners and gym.

Due to BJJ being such a close-contact sport (probably the closest you can get) grapplers are naturally going to be at high-risk of skin infections and illnesses if their teammates are not being cautious with their hygiene. Good hygiene also includes having a clean kit as well as a clean body.

If you do not want to become a breeding ground for bacteria, and do not want to make your training partners ill, then make sure you are following these basic hygiene tips:

1. Shower ASAP after training

Showering after class is extremely important because it can lessen the chances of you incurring a skin infection (ringworm, scabies, staph etc.) If you work a job that requires a physical aspect, you also want to have a shower before class as well. The Roll Clean Soaps are uniquely made for grapplers to make sure we are squeaky clean after training. The variety of soaps available include: The Original containing peppermint, tea tree oil, kaolin clay and  rosemary,  the Charcoal Bar that contains activated charcoal and tea tree oil, the Acai Brazilian Bar and many more.

2. Wash your Uniform

Bacteria doesn’t just build up on your skin during training, it also winds up on what you’re wearing. Putting on a Gi/ belt or No-Gi gear that is not properly washed and dried can be risky to both you and your training partners; aside from smelling weird, it is also a carrier of bacteria. Go to class with a washed and fully dried Gi and belt/ No-Gi gear. You can also solve the washing and drying problem by having a few Gi’s/belts; that way, you can rotate them and you don’t have to worry about wearing an unclean or wet uniform.

3. Trim your fingernails

Fingernails and toenails harbour a lot of bacteria, fungi and dirt, so both fingernails and toenails must be trimmed short at all times. You can cut your training partner’s skin and eyes with your long nails when you are rolling; plus, scratches open up the skin to potential infections, and that risk inevitably increases when the open wound is making contact with other people and a sweat-and germ-covered mat. You may also injure yourself if your nails get caught up by your partner’s Gi. Keep them trimmed!

4. No bare feet off the mat/ no shoes on the mat

Never go to the restroom barefoot. You don’t want to transfer germs from the bathroom onto the mats where your face will be. If you go to the bathroom - wear footwear. The most appropriate footwear for off the mats is usually a pair of sliders, as they are easy to slip on and slip off. View options here.

5. Stay at home when sick

Do not go to the gym when sick – this should be a given, but if you “feel ok” you might be tempted to train but that would be selfish to do so. There is a big difference between being dedicated to your training and being inconsiderate to others that you train with. A couple of days off won’t kill you.


6. Tie your hair back/up

Not only will this prevent getting hair in your partner's way, but it will also be better for you, because you won’t be getting slapped by sweaty chunks of your own hair whilst in the midst of a heated roll. When tied back, not only will it stay out of yours and your partner’s face, but it will also prevent them ripping it out, (hopefully) keeping you hair as in tact as possible. If you struggle for ideas of how to style your hair suitable for BJJ, take some inspiration from the video attached.


7. Remove any (and all) jewellery

First of all, it is a health and safety risk to both you and your rolling partner for many reasons (rips skin, gets caught, cuts someone etc.) plus you don’t want a piercing to get yanked out… that could be pretty painful.

In short - bruises, bumps and injuries are all unavoidable when participating in combat sports, however problems caused by hygiene are easily avoidable. Look after your hygiene, and make sure you and your partners can roll for as long as possible (without any pesky skin infection breaks). You have reasons why you are doing Jiu-Jitsu, but getting skin infections and getting your training partners infected should never be among them. Plus no one wants to roll with the person who's got a smelly (unwashed) gi...

5 Recovery Tips for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

5 Recovery Tips for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Just Jits

Recovery for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t just for the older practitioners or those training two-three times a day, it's for everyone. No matter how young, mobile, strong or flexible you are, when training a high-intensity martial art like BJJ your body (always) needs time to recover, especially when training three or more times a week. 

Recovery may not be the first thing you think of, but it does play a significant role in your Jiu-Jitsu training. Proper recovery and rest can be just as important as the training itself; it can help you to get better results, prevent injury, and keep you training for longer. Overtraining can lead to injury, likewise if you don’t look after yourself in between sessions, you may also find yourself having more time off than anticipated.

Your BJJ recovery doesn’t have to be expensive or overly complicated, you just need to look after your body a bit more than the average person who doesn’t train - keep it simple.

The five tips below are not the only actions you can take to help aid recovery - a lot of factors come into play - but the below are some basics when it comes to helping your body recover after regular BJJ sessions.


 1. Stretching After Training

Basic stretching is one recovery method that helps all types of athletes. Even five or ten minutes of stretching after training can be enough to kick off the recovery process. You should always be warmed up prior to training, as muscles that are too tight could lead to injury.

Stretching is essential in any athletic endeavour, but even more-so in BJJ because of the extreme range of unorthodox motion required. Stretching will increase supply of blood to muscles to help cope with strenuous martial arts activities.

Stretching before a training session helps because it loosens the muscles, minimising the risks of sustaining or aggravating injuries, and improves your range of motion for better performance. Stretching after training while cooling down may also assist in reducing the muscle soreness. 


2. Diet - Eat Your Protein!

A healthy balanced diet plays a big part in any jiu jitsu practitioners training and recovery, with protein being a major factor. Protein is vital for growth and repair. In order to help aid recovery you need to make sure you are consuming enough protein as it provides the body with the necessary amount of amino acids to help build and repair muscles and tissues.

Nutrition is essential for supporting an athlete's general health and their training needs. Having a suitable diet provides a person with enough energy and nutrients to meet the demands of training and exercise. In addition to helping a person perform optimally, it will also facilitate recovery. 

According to the DGA, athletes doing intense training may benefit from ingesting more than two times the recommended daily amount of protein in their diet. 


3. Stay Hydrated and Drink Plenty of Water

One of the most vital things to recovery is hydration. When you train an intense sport like BJJ, you will lose a lot of water and sodium. If you are dehydrated, your body has to work harder to repair itself after training, which can make recovery more difficult. Make sure to drink enough water before, during and after training. It is a simple tactic, often overlooked and has a huge impact on performance. Even a mild loss of water can make your heart work harder and decrease your endurance. 


4. Rest Well

One of the simplest ways to recover well after a tough training session is to get a good quality night's sleep. The ideal amount of sleep is eight hours. Sleep is essential to the recovery process for both your physical and mental health, as it helps your body bounce back from the stress you put it through during the day.

Sleep plays a big role in the release of growth hormone which can be hindered by sleep deprivation. Growth hormone, amongst other things, regulates muscle growth. Muscle growth is needed to repair damage done from training, even if not trying to add mass. Hormones also play a huge role in how we feel and perform. 

As addictive as BJJ is, rest days are essential. You need to allow your body to have some time off. If you have not been getting much sleep recently, then perhaps take a day off training and use that time to rest instead, and give your body some time to recover. 


5. Cold Therapy

Cold showers and ice baths are a popular method of muscle recovery as cold therapy is known to reduce muscle soreness. Cold therapy works by restricting blood flow to the muscles which decreases swelling, muscle soreness, and muscle damage.

Ice baths work by cooling the skin, muscle, and core temperature. This leads to constriction of the blood vessels slowing or blocking the flow of blood which may decrease swelling and acute inflammation muscle damage. 

Joe Rogan, BJJ black belt, UFC commentator, and host of one of the world’s most popular podcasts, The Joe Rogan Experience, frequently raves about the benefits of receiving regular cryotherapy treatments to heal his many aches and pains, and has even interviewed cold-venturist ‘The Ice Man’ Wim Hoff .

As far as recovery tips go, this covers the basics. There are plenty of options out there that can help aid recovery from intense training sessions, it's just finding the right one for you, and knowing what kind of recovery method you need to use, but don't underestimate the power of water, good food and an eight hour sleep.

Check Out Hooks' NEW Synergy Shorts for BJJ/MMA

Check Out Hooks' NEW Synergy Shorts for BJJ/MMA - Just Jits


Hooks have recently released their new Synergy range of shorts. These shorts are unisex and have just been released in two different patterns - Tie Dye and Jungle Nights


Synergy BJJ/MMA Shorts

What do we like about the Synergy Shorts?

These shorts are ultra light, quick dry, and contain no velcro (which can be irritating, and wear off over time). The new Synergy shorts are a combination of the best bits from both MMA and BJJ shorts, creating a refined new fit which is perfect for both grappling and striking.

These high-quality shorts are synched at the waistline by a high tensile elastic waistband and tri-silicon grip layer with internal drawstrings allowing you to tighten or loosen them as needed, ultimately preventing them from potentially coming down during a hard training session (nobody wants that).

Having been created from a 4-Way stretch fabric, these shorts allow for unrestricted movement and optimised performance. Hooks' Synergy shorts also offer vibrant patterns, making you stand out from the rest. We all know that over time some prints can crack and start to look worn, but full sublimation of the shorts ensures no cracking or peeling of the prints. 

Hooks Tie Dye Synergy BJJ/MMA Shorts









Both of these shorts are very different in their aesthetic, the Tie Dye Synergy shorts behold a bright, vibrant print harbouring a multicolour tie-dye over a white base layer. These shorts look even better when combined with its matching counterpart, the Hooks Tie Dye Rashguard (both long sleeve and short sleeve).


Hooks Jungle Nights Synergy BJJ/MMA Shorts









A black background acts as the base layer on these shorts for an overlay of exotic jungle leaves coloured in a combination of pink, blue and purple with neon tones. The Hooks logo is white, allowing it to standout amongst the dark undertones. Make these Jungle Nights shorts look even more wild by pairing them with the Jungle Nights Rashguard (both long sleeve and short sleeve).


Further Details

These items are available in sizes XS (28 inch waist) all the way up to XXXL (40-42 inch waist) so grab them whilst you still can. Both shorts are priced at AU$74.95.

Just Jits offers free shipping to AUS on all orders over $140. Click here to view more...

The M16 Open Hits Its Target: Make Grappling Competitions FOR Grapplers

Tayla Ford and Nora Naomi Schultz grapple at the M16 Open wearing Hooks BJJ gear

In the United States, the “M16” conjures images of military-grade assault rifles. In Australia, the term is more closely associated with a different kind of weapon.

The M16 Open is one of the country’s fastest-growing grappling promotions with a simple, but effective mission: make competitive grappling profitable for athletes, affordable for spectators, and fun for both.

Run by Myles Simpson and Adam Jones of the M16 Fight and Fitness gym in Seaford, SA, the promotion had humble beginnings as an innerstate 16-man, winner-take-all open tournament with a $50 entry fee that took place inside the academy itself. This weekend, the event enters its eighth installment; however, this is just the fourth time the show has been able to have live spectators in attendance.

The reason why, of course, is no secret or surprise. Jones and Simpson got the promotion up and running in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which they say has been their biggest challenge “by far.” Restrictions and lockdowns caused unprecedented unpredictability in an industry already rife with injuries and last-minute withdrawals. Still, Simpson and Jones successfully navigated multiple minefields of “what ifs,” and the payoff was worth it.

The same persistence that has contributed to the M16’s success is also what got it off the ground in the first place. Jones and Simpson had seen countless examples of competitions that weren’t affordable for athletes, with rulesets that were either boring or didn’t make sense. “Rather than sit back and whinge about the price of competing or the bad rulesets, we stepped up and made our own show,” they said.

Their own ruleset mirrors that of elite grappling competition ADCC, where Jones’ brother Craig exploded onto the international scene by submitting Brazilian jiu-jitsu legend Leandro Lo back in 2017. Craig subsequently won silver at the event in 2019 during the same weekend that Melbourne-based coach and athlete Lachlan Giles made waves by submitting his way to bronze in the open weight division. Jones and Simpson know all too well that there are far more high-level grapplers in Australia who have the potential to win big at the prestigious tournament, and they aim to use their own promotion to help them achieve that goal. “Australia has some very, very talented grapplers,” they said. “The whole reason we chose ADCC rules is because if you win that tournament, you’re set for life; no other tournament can do that for you. With saying that, we wanted this show to help prepare Australian athletes for the Trials.”

Winning the ADCC Trials on its own is a massive accomplishment, and winning the ADCC World Championship makes you a household name in the grappling world. But at this stage of the promotion’s development, even winning a match at the M16 Open is a remarkable achievement. The event has caught the eye of competitors both within Australia and beyond, and this weekend’s event is looking to be their biggest one yet. Polaris veteran Jeremy Skinner will be taking on newly contracted PFL fighter Aaron Blackie, and Kasai veteran Mikael Yahaya will face off against recently promoted BJJ black belt Diego Caruso. M16’s own Declan Moody will also be on the card, putting himself to the test against Brisbane’s Devon Coetzee. And, of course, we can expect to see plenty of familiar faces as some of South Australia’s best take to the mats, including Lachlan Conway of Beachside BJJ, Jesse Hughes of Armour BJJ, Adam Jones himself, and many more.

Jones and Simpson believe that Moody, who has long been marked as one of the best grapplers to watch from Australia, will be “the next big name” to come from Down Under. They also have their eye on Deacon Laugher from Tasmania, who they say “will go as far as he wants to go.” Decorated wrestler Tayla Ford and rising jiu-jitsu star Nora Naomi Schultz, both of whom are seldom seen leaving a competition without hard-earned hardware, are also regulars on the show, where they have cemented their position as two of Australia’s most terrifying grapplers. 

Still, Jones and Simpson have their eyes on a few competitors they’d love to have on the show, both from Australia and abroad. In particular, they hope to bring Sydney-based ADCC Trials champ Keller Locke-Sodhi down to compete, as well as young standout Tito Carle. Jones is also determined to get his brother Craig back to Adelaide to compete for the M16. “We would love to bring out some big international names for the show and we have definitely been in contact with a few who are all very keen,” they added. “Thankfully, the DMs are full of people wanting to compete on our show; we don’t have to chase people down unless we really want them on the show. Finding matches for the women has been the most challenging. I’d love to see more girls on the show.”

Regardless of what challenges they face next, Jones and Simpson can at least sit with the comfort that their shows are designed by grapplers, for grapplers. “I truly believe our show is the only show that’s all about the competitors. None of the guys we invite from interstate have to pay a thing. Every winning athlete on the show makes some cash; As the show grows, the purses will grow. We don’t charge ridiculous prices for tickets --- $30 --- and kids under twelve are free. Sure, we could charge way more and charge for kids, but that’s not what this event is about. This is a high-level grappling show aimed at everyone.”

Their dedication to their mission shows. The community has returned the support, and there’s no doubt that soon, the M16’s influence will spread far and wide. “We get backed by an incredible amount of sponsors from SA and interstate. Any time we ask for sponsors, the support is unbelievable. We have companies fighting over who gets what every show! I’d just like to thank every competitor, every sponsor and spectator who has supported us. We are just two guys that weren’t happy with the scene, so we decided to do something about it.”


All images courtesy of Justin Whitey @rebelrebelfight

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